We're Still at War

rok vydání – 2017
Doporučená cena je 698 Kč

Using an innovative approach, these 13 comic strips narrate the destinies of people who in the battle against totalitarian power either morally triumph or succumb to their weaknesses. The tales deal with the conflict of specific individuals with totalitarian power, and are as diverse as life itself - they present both victory and defeat, great acts of heroism as well as human frailties and the struggle to come to terms with them.

Bibliografické údaje

EAN 9788025720905
ISBN 978-80-257-2090-5
Počet stran 180
Jazyk anglicky
Vazba vázaná
Produkt kniha
Rozměry 21,2cm x 30,1cm
Vydání 2017 (1. vydání)
Nakladatel Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, Karolinum, Argo, Post Bellum

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