Daniel Krásný

Daniel Krásný was born in 1991 in Jindřichův Hradec but currently lives outside Prague with his wife Anežka and son Daniel. He spent over twenty years as a hockey goalie and almost as long working for the gaming magazine SCORE. Now, he is a creative director at the advertising agency Socialsharks. Daniel has a passion for dark novels and admires authors like Michel Faber, Trevanian, and Stephen King. His debut book, „Second Wind,“ combines his love for horror and his deep knowledge of the advertising world.

druhy dech

Second Wind

June 2024, 328 pages

A story about the preparation of an advertising campaign shrouded in secrecy, set in the heart of Czech Canada

Adolf Majer has just endured „four messed-up months of his life.“ His wife, Instagram star @joanofpark, has left him for another man, and everything at the Craven advertising agency, where he is a creative director, is falling apart. Adolf, along with director Schweik and graphic design intern Julie, accepts an invitation to an unconventional tender at a hotel complex near the Třeboň ponds, pine forests, and vast peat bogs. They have no idea that, apart from presenting ideas, they will confront something much darker during their stay.